A complete home and land package option that is designed and built ready to move into.

This would include building a Celebration home that includes floor coverings, window treatments, internal painting, alarm, landscaping, letter box and clothes line.

Please speak to your New Homes Consultsnt for more information, email or phone us on 9202 2300 to create a turnkey package

New homes on smaller blocks are often built close to a lot boundary to make effective use of space.

When building up to the adjoining neighbour’s property, a boundary wall is needed. This is a wall to the garage which is built one brick course higher than the external walls and is within one metre of the adjoining lot.

The boundary wall and garage roof contain a fire flashing component in the detail which eliminates the chance of fire spreading from or to the adjoining neighbour.

All Celebration Homes come standard with a boundary wall, which is included in the price of the home.

Detailed Area Plans (DAP’s) are planning tools used by land developers to provide better design control measures than those under Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) for matters relating to design and the overall look of the built area. DAPs will often vary, reflecting the differences in areas and scenarios that may arise such as streetscape, garage location, solar orientation, passive surveillance, noise, access to primary roads, landscape, the pedestrian network, building height and topography. DAPs also help ensure there is consistency in what is permitted across different lots in an estate. DAPs are normally prepared as a condition of subdivision by a land developer who must ensure that purchasers are given a copy of the approved DAP prior to sale.

Design guidelines generally cover items that aren’t addressed in the R-Codes, or other planning policies. For example, a developer may want all dwellings in a new estate to painted from a certain colour palette, or for all dwellings to have an entry feature such as a portico or verandah. Design guidelines tend to affect the overall appearance, or ‘feel’, of an area, and are generally used to make sure that all homes meet certain minimum design standards.

All our homes are assessed for Energy Compliance to comply with the BCA requirements. This is at no additional cost to our clients.

Part of the More to Celebrate philosophy is providing a higher standard of specification to begin with. That way you don’t end up with a large tally of extras and options on your final bill.

We also don’t fill our display homes with features that are above the standard price. In other words, what you see is what you get.

At Celebration Homes, we like to make things easy for our customers, so we help you find the perfect block, pair it with a winning design suitable to your area and package it up as one final cost. This has the benefit of requiring one loan instead of multiple and will ensure you save on unnecessary fees/charges.

Due to the high demand for land for new homes, many developers are in a position whereby they are unable to develop the land quickly enough to meet consumer demand. Subsequently many lots sold are on a ‘presale’ basis, meaning the developer or owner of the land is selling lots prior to them being fully developed.

An untitled lot may still require the provision of services such as roads, curbing, footpaths, water and power before a building licence can be submitted and Celebration Homes or any other home builder can commence construction of the home.

A lot which is titled will enable the purchaser to take ownership of the land sooner and the building process will not be delayed by any restrictions by the land development. A titled lot allows Celebration Homes to access the site and undertake all works necessary for the application of a building licence enabling a quicker building timeframe.

There are lots of factors to consider when choosing a block of land aside from simply its location. Important things to consider are the solar orientation, whether the block is flat or sloping, street appeal, its distance to amenities and the frontage. This is something your New Homes Consultant can assist you with, to ensure you get the perfect block for your design.

To ensure that Celebration Homes can deliver a high standard of quality and build your home without impacting on construction timeframes, we do not allow clients to supply and install their own products into our homes during the construction stage. Of course, clients may install their own products after Key Handover to finish off their new home.

There are many differences between a construction loan and a standard loan and one of the most obvious is that your lender will make progress payments to your builder as your house is being built. These are payments made at key stages of the building journey and for Celebration Homes they as follows:

  • Slab – Your slab has been laid
  • Plate High – Brickwork is complete
  • Roof Cover – Roof Cover is complete
  • Lock up – Your home reaches Lock Up
  • Practical Completion – before you receive your keys.

The payments you will need to make at each stage (and are generally interest only until the home is complete) gradually increase until your home is finished, when you start paying your full monthly repayments.

The amount of your monthly repayments will vary depending on the following;

  • How much you borrow
  • What the interest rate of your home loan is. If you opt for a variable rate loan, your home loan rate will go up and down depending on the Australian interest rate. With a fixed rate, your home loan rate is set at that rate for a certain period of time and won’t change. Your Resolve home loan specialist can discuss the pros and cons of each loan, based on your individual situation
  • The length or ‘term’ of your home i.e. is it 30 years.
  • Your repayment frequency i.e. fortnightly or monthly
  • Whether you’re making principal and interest or interest only repayments

It’s important to consider not just how much you can borrow, but how much you can comfortably repay each fortnight or month on your home loan. This includes not only looking at your income and all your expenses, but also factoring in potential interest rate rises and whether you can still comfortably make your mortgage repayments in that instance.

Borrowing capacity is usually calculated by reviewing your income and expenses as well as any other debt that you may have, such as car repayments or credit cards.

Lenders need to be confident you can make your regular home loan repayments, and if you have a lot of other debt they might think twice about giving you home loan approval. So, every debt you have reduces your total borrowing capacity. And it’s important to note that with a credit card, it’s your limit that’s counted towards your debt, not your current balance. E.g. If you have a $15,000 limit on your credit card, the bank will reduce your total borrowing capacity, even if you haven’t got any money owing on the card.

Our in-house team at Resolve Finance can help you determine how much you can borrow and what home loan options you may qualify for to build a new home.

Resolve Finance are an award-winning mortgage broking firm, operating in both Western Australia and Victoria. Established in Perth in 1997, they have become one of Australia’s undisputed leaders in the home finance field with 1 in every 20 of all construction loans in WA financed by them. As Celebration Homes’ key finance partner and also part of the ABN Group, Resolve operate within the same building as Celebration Homes and we work hand-in-hand to help customers achieve their dream of home ownership.

The best part is that Resolve doesn’t just do construction loans – they can be your mortgage broker for life.

A conveyancer or settlement agency prepares all the necessary paperwork and legals when you buy and/or sell a home. This includes changing the name on the title deeds of the properties involved, organising the adjustment of shire and water rates on your behalf and liaising with all the relevant parties involved in the home purchase settlement process.

Celebration Homes is partnered with Axiom Conveyancing who can assist you with your settlement. As part of the ABN Group, Axiom Conveyancing will help make sure your land settlement goes smoothly and there are no unnecessary holdups. They are specialists in construction settlements and know what is needed by who and when to keep things moving for you. As a Celebration Homes client, you will also be eligible for a 20% discount.

As a fully incorporated law firm, they’ll also be able to provide an extra layer of comfort that standard settlement agents can’t. So, you get the added security that an in-house legal practitioner provides if any issues arise. Plus, they also do estate planning, wills, power of attorneys and more.

As the homeowner, only you can authorise stage payments with your lending institution to Celebration Homes. Depending on who your lender is the process for this can differ. You will need to contact your bank or broker to clarify how this process can be completed for your home.

If you want to borrow more than 80% of the property’s value, you will need to pay Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI). Mortgage insurance is a one-off payment, usually made when you settle on the property. The amount you pay depends on the loan amount, the value of your property and how much of the purchase price you want to borrow (e.g. 95%). It protects the lender if you can’t meet your repayments and the home is sold with the debt outstanding.

Resolve Finance also has access to a unique loan, called Parent Assist, that can help you save thousands in mortgage insurance. It works like this: your parents loan you up to 20% of the property’s purchase price. Bluebay Home Loans provides the rest. You repay them with interest like any other official loan but at half the rate of your home loan. When the house is sold, you repay your parents (or you can repay them sooner if you choose to make extra repayments).

For full information on this product please view the Parent Assist Information Statement at parentassistloan.com.au which details the full terms and conditions of the loan. Bluebay Home Loans Australian Credit License No. 389250

Your bank will require to have a valuation completed at the Practical Completion stage prior to releasing your final payment to Celebration Homes. These valuations are normally completed by a third party and the bank will require the full 10 working days to process this final payment. Please ensure you authorise your final payment and send this along with a copy of your Certificate of Currency (building insurance) to your bank promptly to avoid any delays with your key handover.

Stamp duty is a tax you pay to the State Government when you buy a property.

There are some exemptions, contact us to find out more.

Construction loans are quite different from regular home loans. Unless you’re aware of all the differences, and confident in their application, you should really get advice from someone who is. With construction loans, the most obvious distinctions are the payment for the land and the progress payments to the builder. Clearly, they’re not considerations with a regular home loan. But they’re just the start of the differences. And it’s quite niche as in Australia, only 8% of loans are for construction. That’s one of the reasons why Celebration Homes has partnered with construction finance specialists Resolve Finance where 80% of their business is in construction loans.

Your Celebration Homes HIA Building Contract includes five progress payments that will be requested during construction and you will be required to authorise the release of these payments from your bank/lender to Celebration Homes. These stages are:

  1. Slab – Your slab has been laid
  2. Plate High – Brickwork is complete
  3. Roof Cover – Roof Cover is complete
  4. Lock up – Your home reaches Lock Up
  5. Practical Completion – before you receive your keys

Progress Payments are due 10 working days from the date the stage is reached as per your invoice or the date of the invoice, whichever is later.

Variations (including Electrical & Selections Consults variations) are not included in your HIA Building Contract and are required to be paid prior to construction commencement.

Important Note – Some lenders will require you to make payment of variations prior to releasing any progress payments to Celebration Homes regardless of our payment terms. It is important that you are aware of your lenders requirements. Please contact your bank or broker directly to obtain information on your individual circumstances.

The First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) is a one off $10,000 payment from the State government that can be used to assist first homebuyers build their first home.

To qualify you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be aged 18 years or older
  • Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Never have received a FHOG under this scheme before
  • Never have owned a residential property anywhere in Australia
  • Occupy the home as your primary place of residence for a continuous period of 6 months within 1 year of completion of the FHOG transaction.

First homebuyers that qualify for this grant do not have to repay this payment nor do they have to pay interest on it. Stamp duty on the total house and land package purchase is also waived for first homebuyers. Source: http://www.firsthome.gov.au/

You wouldn’t just walk into one display home, so why just consider one bank! When you’re in the market for a home loan, it’s always a safe bet to get a second opinion to make sure it’s the right loan for you. It could mean the difference between affording that larger floor plan or those home upgrades you really, really want. Giving you that piece of mind is where our in-house construction loan specialists at Resolve Finance come in.

Celebration Homes’ stage payment invoices are created and issued every Wednesday and include all stage completions for that week (Monday to Friday inclusive).

Progress Payments are due 10 working days from the date the stage is reached as per your invoice or the date of the invoice, whichever is later. You are not required to authorise your payment prior to the stage completion date.

Working drawings consist of the necessary details and information required to construct your new home. A set of working drawings include: the floor plan, elevation, electrical plan, internal room layouts and site plan.

If your land is untitled, Celebration Homes needs to wait for the land titles to be issued from the land developer. If you have purchased an untitled lot of land, we are unable to begin certain phases of the Pre-Construction process (e.g. ordering of Site Surveys and the Engineer’s Site Report) as without titles we are not permitted on the land. We will continue to complete as much as we can in the Pre-Construction process to ensure we can commence construction on your home as soon as possible from the issue of titles.

New land estates are planned by developers in line with an overall vision that sets the design guidelines for things like appearance, colour and style of buildings. Most new homes built in new land estates must have their elevation colour and product selections approved by the relevant developer to ensure they support the overall estate vision.

This ensures that new homes complement the area’s character and tone as well as form a distinctive and harmonious urban environment into the future.

To commence construction on your new Celebration home, we will need to have completed the Pre-Construction phrase or the process. This phase is outlined in detail in the Pre-Construction section of the Building Hub on our website.

Once you have signed your HIA Building Contract with your New Homes Consultant you can start choosing your colours and internal selections. Using your Preparations Guide and the Online Selections Portal you will be able to start pre-selecting the products and colours you would like to include in your new home. (If you do not have a Preparations Guide please get in touch with your Customer Experience Coordinator and they can organise one for you.)

We also encourage you to visit our new place at Home Collective and visit our display homes for inspiration ideas.

Once your HIA Building Contract, Preliminary Plans & Preliminary Addenda are ready your New Homes Consultant will call you book an appointment to come into the office to thoroughly read and go through the documents before you sign them.

Once your Preliminary Drawings, HIA Building Contract and Preliminary Addenda have been created and signed we will then contact you to arrange a time for both your Electrical & Selections Consults.

Use this checklist to ensure you are properly prepared for your Electrical & Selections Consults:

  1. Work through your ‘Preparations Guide’ – When you sign your HIA Building contract you will receive this booklet from your Customer Experience Coordinator, providing you with instructions for how to best prepare for your consults. If you did not receive one of the booklets, please get in touch with your Customer Experience Coordinator and they will organise one for you.
  2. Complete each task within the booklet, the tasks range from establishing a budget, choosing your colours and completing your Online Selections Portal. It is important you complete each task prior to your consults.
  3. Visit Home Collective – you can find all the opening hours and information regarding Home Collective here. If you would like to book a Design Brief prior to your consult and get a head start on making your selections, then get in touch with your Customer Experience Coordinator and they will organise one for you.
  4. Create gas and electrical accounts for your new home – Prior to your Selections Consult you will need to set up new account numbers with Synergy and on the AGL website. We will assist you with the set-up of your AGL account. Note: You will not be able to set up your electric and gas account numbers if you do not have titles for your block.
  5. If you have any questions prior to your consult, reach out to your Selections Consultant or your Customer Experience Coordinator.

Your Electrical Consult is a 2 hour appointment that will take place at Home Collective, where we finalise the below selections for your new home.

  • Electrical selections
  • Smart-technology selections
  • Air-conditioning selections
  • Solar selections

Your Selections Consult such an exciting part of the building journey, as it’s the first time you will really be able to visualise what your home will look like with all the colours, finishes and fixtures you have decided on.

At your Selections Consult, we will finalise all your home selections during a 5 hour appointment at our new place in Leederville, this will include:

  • Internal colour & product selections
  • External colour & product selections
  • Flooring & tiling selections

We will also run through an explanation of your plans during this time. Your Selections Consultant will discuss each page with you in detail and note any minor changes (e.g. single to double vanity) you wish to finalise. This is the time to ask any of those niggling questions you may have had.

For us to ensure timeframes and provide accuracy throughout the construction of your home, we do not allow any changes to be made following your Selections Consult.

3 Phase Power is a higher voltage connection to your home (approximately 400-415 Volts) This is required in homes where large electrical motors, heavy machinery, pools and a spa, would be used at the same time as one another. Single Phase power (which is already included in your home) is enough to run ducted air-conditioning and any small machinery in your home. If you are still unsure about whether you need 3 Phase Power, your Construction Coordinator will help you understand your power requirements in more depth at your Electrical Consult.

Your Pre-construction Customer Experience Coordinator will still be your primary point of contact until the end of the Pre-construction period, your Construction Customer Experience Coordinator will then take over and guide you through your Construction journey. This allows us to ensure a streamlined channel of communication throughout the entire building process.

To ensure that Celebration Homes can deliver a high standard of quality and build your home without impacting on construction timeframes, we do not allow clients to supply and install their own products into our homes during the construction stage. Of course, clients are welcome to install their own products after Key Handover to finish off their new home.

As technology is ever increasing, the need for smart wiring becomes more apparent. Hardwired devices used at home are now decreasing. Network devices such as multiple PCs and laptops, network enabled gaming consoles and printers plus media streaming devices for PCs and laptops are on the dramatic increase.

To be able to use these network devices, your home must be fitted with high speed data network to integrate with high grade television cabling. Current phone cabling and wireless networks are not effective for the high-speed applications now used in our homes. As the need for internet speed increases to keep up with the growing trends of technology, wireless networks are not efficient to handle the demand of multiple applications. Smart wiring can be reconfigured to suit your needs whenever you require and avoids the need for expensive rewiring. To learn more about smart wiring, speak to a specialist in your Electrical Consult.

If you are financing your home with Keystart Home Loans they will require you to include floor coverings and window treatments in your total home and land package price in your Building Contract. They also require that the contract value of your home and land, plus any variations made at your Electrical & Selections Consults, will not exceed the maximum total value of $480,000. All variations made at your consults that are not included in your loan are required to be paid prior to your home going to site.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to set up your gas or electricity accounts if you do not have titles issued on your lot of land.

This is a task we will require you to do once titles have been issues on your land so that these services can be connected to your lot for the construction phase. At this time when titles are issues your Construction Coordinator will notify you to remind you to set up these services.

Any change made to your contract document after signing your PWC. These are written up on a variation order to be amended on your plans.

The following items will need to have been received and finalised before we can progress your home into the construction phase:

  • HIA Building Contract signed and witnessed by Celebration Homes
  • Electrical & Selections Consults complete and documentation finalised
  • Unconditional Finance approval provided by client/broker or bank
  • Land settlement confirmation provided by settlement agent
  • Building Permit granted and received
  • Developer Approval (where necessary)

The National Broadband Network is the new communications infrastructure being rolled out across Australia with the new fibre technology replacing the old copper wiring network. Your telephone and internet will run off this new connection providing a more reliable high-speed broadband connection as well as access to new entertainment and communication services that this technology will enable.

Intelligent Homes can cable your home to NBN specifications during construction, so it will be compatible with the NBN if it is not already available in your area. It is important to remember that it is more difficult and costlier to make your home NBN ready after construction has been completed. You will meet with Intelligent Homes during your Electrical Consult, so you can discuss your requirements and their range of packages available to suit your needs in that time. To find out more information about the NBN, please contact Intelligent Homes on 1300 652 633. Source: http://www.nbn.gov.au/

Upon issue of the final documentation listed above it is your responsibility to thoroughly read and review to ensure that all the detail is accurate and to your requirements specified at both of your consults.

These documents will be used for the construction of your new home, so it is crucial they are accurate to avoid any delays to your construction timeframe. Once your home has moved into the construction phase no further changes can be made to these documents.

Cracking is something that occurs in slabs and is one of the characteristics of concrete as it dries and shrinks. Concrete shrinks because of the loss of moisture due to evaporation and the hydration of cement as it cures. This reduction of volume causes tensile stresses within the slab, and these stresses are the primary reason why shrinkage cracks occur.

Reinforcement mesh is accordingly designed by our engineers and placed in the slab in recognition of these characteristics to control cracks in both their width and their extent. Shrinkage cracking is of aesthetic consequence and not of structural concern.

Your garage hardstand is not part of the house slab therefore is not required to be poured during the early stages of construction. Garage hardstands are also required to be poured 100mm lower than your homes slab to minimise risk of flooding. The garage hardstand will be poured later in the construction process.

Face bricks are only made with one external face therefore inside the garage it is standard practice that the second face is visible. This ensures the more aesthetic face is seen on the exterior of your home.

Vanadium stains are a thin film on the surface of light-coloured bricks that weather away with time. They are a result of vanadium salts contained in most clay materials used to produce light coloured bricks. They are left on the surface of bricks as excess water migrates through the brick. These stains are neither harmful nor permanent and do not indicate a defect in the product.

In line with manufacturer recommendations and acceptable bricklaying standards the vertical joints do not need to be mortar filled if they are 12mm or less in width.

Structural Beams are often placed on a solid brick or structural grade timber offcut. The purpose of this ‘packer’ is to ensure that the Structural Beam does not interfere with the ceiling joints below.

The ‘packer’ must be a non-compressible material to allow the Structural Beam load to be transferred to the loadbearing wall below. Additionally, the Structural Beam is held in place by multiple lateral roof members (hangers) ensuring lateral movement is not possible.

Yes, all roof tiles are checked at the end of construction and any damaged tiles are replaced as required prior to handover.

Celebration Homes does not permit any other works to be completed during construction for us to ensure the progress of construction is not obstructed. Additionally, we must ensure strict Safety and Insurance parameters are adhered to throughout the build process.

Unfortunately, we will not release keys prior to completion of construction and receipt of your final payment on your new home. To collect your keys at the end of the construction period your bank may have a valuation completed at the Practical Completion stage. Please ensure you authorise your final payment and send this along with a copy of your Certificate of Currency (building insurance) to your bank after your New Home Presentation to avoid any delays with your key handover.

Practical Completion is when all contract inclusions have been completed in the home. Please note minor defects do not affect the home from being deemed as practically complete.

Every Celebration home receives a three-stage termite treatment at the following stages of construction:

  • Once earthworks and pre-lay is completed the entire sand pad is sprayed prior to slab being poured.
  • Second treatment is sprayed on the sand pad just prior to your garage hardstand being poured.
  • Last treatment is to the entire perimeter of the home prior to brick paving.

At Key Handover you will receive a Certificate / Warranty for all treatments carried out during construction.

Prior to your key handover your Site Manager will organise your New Home Presentation to showcase your nearly completed home. Your Site Manager will walk you through the home, room by room, and demonstrate how to use and care for all the appliances and products and what to do in the event something fails or stops working.

During construction we will allow external contractors to attend your home at the same time allocated for your Lock Up and New Home Presentation meetings with your Site Manager. Please ensure that your external suppliers arrive and complete their measurements within the timeframe allocated.

Your Customer Experience Co-ordinator is the primary point of contact during the construction stages.

However, you will receive a phone call from your Site Manager once your slab is poured and you will have the opportunity to meet with the Site Manager at your Progress Meeting and New Home Presentation.

Home Assist is there to support you with your after care needs. They’re a smooth extension of your journey with ABN Group with a dedicated team of experts to support you and your new home. Home Assist’s professional after care program delivers the ultimate peace of mind that your home service and maintenance is in the best hands and never an afterthought.

In the handover pack we provide a twelve-month service form to list any issues you may experience during the first 12 months. Please remember to complete this form and send it back to us within twelve months of your key handover. Once the form is received by our Home Assist team we will be in contact to arrange the required works.

For every day routine cleaning of Caesarstone® we recommend wiping the surface with warm soapy water and a damp cloth. For further detailed information on cleaning please refer to the Caesarstone® Care & Maintenance Guidelines. Source: www.caesarstone.com.au

You will need to liaise with the Service Provider that is available locally to you. The best way to find your Service Provider is to check with your Land Developer. You will need to engage your Service Provider and have them attend your property to complete the connection to your new home.

Please be aware that Celebration Homes are responsible for the provisions in your home only and are unable to complete the connection.

Please also check if you are in an area that requires an antenna. You will need to engage a licenced Electrician to install an antenna if required.

Please refer to the Home Owner’s Manual for a list of the warranty periods for each item in your home.

Please be aware that Celebration Homes offers a twelve-month service on all homes. The service form is included in your key handover pack and needs to be returned to Home Assist at service@homeassist.com.au for Home Assist to complete the twelve-month service.

Celebration Homes also offers a 25-year structural guarantee. This guarantee covers any structural issues relating to concrete foundations, brickwork and the roof frame.

Celebration Homes 25-year structural guarantee is transferable to a new owner if the home is sold within 6 years of the key handover. In this instance, the guarantee period will reduce from 25 years to 6 years from the date of key handover.

Celebration Homes offer, with every home we build, the protection and security of a 25-year Structural Guarantee.

We’ll rectify, at no cost to you, any structural issues of concrete foundations, brickwork and roof frame. This guarantee does not cover damage caused by storm, fire, flood, acts of terrorism or abuse. Regular homeowner maintenance will go a long way to preventing any problems from arising. Misuse or neglect is not covered by our warranties.

Celebration Homes have put together some helpful home care tips to help you keep your home looking as beautiful as it did the day you moved in. These can be found in your Home Owner’s Manual.

It is important to regularly inspect your home and complete home maintenance where required. Like anything, your home needs love and care!

It is important to change your batteries once a year to a high quality, long–life battery.

If your smoke alarm is beeping, the battery may need to be rotated or changed.

For further information about smoke alarm maintenance and safety, please head to the DFES page.
(If required Celebration Homes can complete an inspection to provide further feedback)

For all lights, please make sure the globes have been changed. Also, if applicable, check batteries have been changed.

In an emergency please contact Celebration Homes directly on 9202 2300.

  • Regularly inspect the silicon and grout and if you notice any signs of wear, minor maintenance may be required to ensure your shower does not develop a leak.
  • Avoid the use of abrasive or harsh cleaning products and stiff brushes
  • Keep wet areas well ventilated to avoid mould and mildew forming due to excessive moisture
  • Clean silicon joints regularly to avoid deterioration

You can contact Home Assist Monday to Friday, 7.30am – 4.30pm on 6146 7000 or you can email service@homeassist.com.au

Cornice cracking is a natural part of new home settlement. There are various reasons why cornice cracking occurs such as fluctuation in temperature in Summer in Winter when the products in your home expand and contract with the hot and cold weather. Celebration Homes will repair any cornice cracking in your new home within twelve months of Key Handover as part of your twelve-month service commitment, please ensure you mark their exact location on your twelve-month service form.

Beyond the twelve-month service period regular home owner maintenance of cornice cracking is required. Celebration Homes recommends using a good quality polyfiller to repair cracking and then sand to a smooth finish and repaint as required.

Your Home Owner’s Manual includes a list of tips to ensure you can preserve your flooring many years.

Ensure the hot water unit is plugged into its dedicated power point and switched on.

  • Westinghouse – You will need to contact Electrolux directly on 13 13 49 and they will require the Key Hand Over Date and product information such as the Serial Number which is found on the appliance
  • Rheem products – Please contact 13 10 31. They will require the Key Hand Over Date and product information such as the Serial Number which is found on the appliance
  • For all other items please refer to the Home Owner’s Manual