Building Blog

When you’re building, it’s the little things that make your home a little more you. We’ve got tips, guides, and how-to’s on floorplans, finance, land,  design, landscaping & more; all to help make the most of your beautiful new home.

Experience more with Celebration Homes

Are you looking to build your own home but are overwhelmed by the process? Choosing the right home builder can make all the difference!

Read on to see how we pack a punch into your experience at Celebration Homes.

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Showing 8 of 35 Blog posts in News or Media

Finding your perfect suburb

There’s a lot of factors that go into finding your perfect home and one of the biggest decisions is where to build. With plenty of options to choose from, there are a few things to take into account when looking for the location of your next home

Cutting through the noise – advice for building a new home this year

2020 might not have gone to plan so far, but things have just taken a u-turn toward some awesome news! We’re SO pleased that the recent announcements including up to $55k in government grants* mean that thousands of West Aussies are now building their brand-new home.

What the grants mean for you

The Australian Federal Government and the Western Australian State Government have recently announced new grants available for homebuyers, making it more affordable than ever to build your dream home

Bathroom how-to with Reece

For all things bathroom related, Reece Bathroom's are your go-to. With everyone jumping on the plant craze, Reece has set out the ultimate guide on how to successfully add some greenery into your bathrooms. For anyone plant obsessed and wanting to add some more greenery to their home, keep reading!

Greenfields vs Brownfields

There’s a lot more to building a home than picking a block of land and placing a home design on top! There is a huge difference between Brownfields and Greenfields and not just the location. Confused? Don’t worry we will explain the difference Brownfield vs Greenfield areas and what you need to know when building in each.

6 reasons to buy more plants

Seraching for another reason to buy more plants? We have 6! Create good vibes, A level interior styling plus proud 'plant mum' moments.

Helping WIRF Reach Their Goal

Since we formed a partnership in 2017, Celebration Homes have been a strong supporter of the Woman and Infants Research Foundation (WIRF). Being one of the first companies to join WIRF under the leadership of Deb Attard Portughes, we have continued to provide support to projects with the purpose of helping local families and working to prevent preterm births. Being able to assist WIRF in their mission is an important part of our values, with so many of our clients being families, we feel it is important to provide them with more than just a home.

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share your home building journey with #moretocelebrate in Perth and the South West to educate and inspire others.