There’s a lot of factors that go into finding your perfect home and one of the biggest decisions is where to build. With plenty of options to choose from, there are a few things to take into account when looking for the location of your next home. For some it’s an easy decision between North or South, coast or inland and how close you want to be to the in-laws. While all these points will factor into your decision, here are a few things you may not be thinking of.

School Catchment Zones

School catchment zones are something you need to consider if you have a young family or are planning to have kids. With schools becoming strict on their catchment areas it’s important to find out what schools you’ll be eligible for. This is something you don’t want to leave too late, especially if you have a strong preference on the local schools.

With more and more schools opening in new suburbs it’s important to get the facts. Find out when the school will open if it’s currently under construction, class sizes and if it’s the right school for your family. The easiest way to find out your local schools is to check on the department of education.


There is a good chance you’ll be looking to buy in one of Perth newer suburbs, which means development and infrastructure will be in progress or coming soon. Knowing when and what infrastructure is coming can play a big role in deciding between suburbs. With the freeway continuously being extended, distance from the CBD is becoming less of a pain point for many people. Check to see what parks, community centres, schools and roads are planned. This can influence resale value and the overall feel of the suburb. If you’re planning to only live in your home for a few years, it may be best to look for a more developed estate to take advantage of the amenities.

Siteworks and Estate Requirements

Siteworks are something that might not even cross your mind when thinking about where you want to live. Siteworks may not dictate where you live but it’s important to understand what they are before you buy a block of land. Thankfully our consultants will be able to help you understand siteworks and keep you informed on how they can impact your budget.

Another thing to be aware of is estate requirements. These are the must-have items from your local council or the estate. This can include landscaping, solar panels or the types of colours on your elevation.

Choosing a location for your new home is a big deal, so it’s important you get the facts on your potential suburbs. If you have questions about suburbs or more things to look for, get in contact with one of our consultants.


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