So, you’ve chosen your dream home, trawled Instagram for interiors inspo, now what?

Decorating a home is no easy task, so we sat down with our interior designer, Sally, to find out her top industry secrets for styling your home.

1.Think ahead

It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’ll bring your beautiful new home to life with styling, furniture and art.

How early is early? Well, once you’ve got your floorplan locked in, it’s about time to make a mental list of all your current furniture and what you love and loathe. Think about each room and how you want to fill it – do your existing pieces fit from a size and style perspective?

Now is the time to be ruthless, with Sally’s advice being “if you can’t envision it, you might need to rethink it”.

2. Order your furniture early

Once you’ve decided what furniture you want to keep and what new pieces you need, it is best to order your furniture as soon as you can.

Furniture delivery can take a lot longer than you expect, so unless you want to be having a living room picnic for 4 months, order now!

Sally says to start shopping early and always ask about delivery timeframes.

As your home nears completion, you’ll be thankful you started thinking about styling so early. Instead of decorating in a fluster, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the experience of seeing your vision come to life.

3. Pick a style, not a trend

Sally’s third tip is to pick a timeless style that you genuinely love and won’t get sick of. To future-proof your style choice, Sally recommends you think about what colours and style you naturally lean towards, and keep consistency front of mind.

Trends come and go, so to avoid having to redecorate every year, Sally suggests you keep the big-ticket items simple and timeless. “Keep all your fixed fittings fairly neutral – this will help you keep your home consistent and timeless.”

4. Have fun with accessories

Sally says once your timeless big-ticket items have been locked in, you should have fun with accessories, art and furnishings like cushions.

These items are a great way of trialling a style or trend without having to commit your whole home! Plus, they’re easy to update, without breaking the bank.

5. Ask the experts

Moving from Instagram inspo to reality can be tough if you don’t know where to start. Talking to a designer isn’t always as costly as it sounds – most are happy to do a two-hour consultation to get you on the right track.


With all the tips considered, Sally’s parting advice is to have fun and enjoy the process – styling your home is one of the most enjoyable steps of the building process! We can’t wait to see how you make your Celebration home your own – share your styling at #moretocelebrate on Instagram and Facebook.

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